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What is the Williamsburg Music Association?
The Williamsburg Music Association (WMA) is like a Booster Club for Raider Music Programs. Williamsburg Music Assocation raises funds to cover costs the school budget is not able to cover. Without these additional funds, music students would not be able to participate in or be competitive in many music activities throughout the school year.
The Williamsburg Music Association provides volunteer and financial support for both the instrumental and vocal programs. Students within the Williamsburg School District are fortunate to have dedicated, experienced teachers providing a variety of opportunities to enrich students' musical experiences and education.
Board members
President: Pat McGovern
Secretary: Amanda Thomas
Co-Treasurers: Ashley Winjum & Cassie Bott
At Large: Kristin Nunnelley, Gina Brummel, Joel Carr
Organization Documents
Contact Us
Mail: PO Box 771, Williamsburg, IA 52361